
DC-VOLT is one of the Green Energy product and service providers in USA. We are committed to providing high-quality electric charger for global customers covering automotive, motorcycle, residential, industrial & commercial, agricultural, and utilities. Our comprehensive portfolio includes EV chargers, Transformers, UPS Generator, storage batteries, and a monitoring system (Web and APP) for remote management and expertise diagnosis. 


DC-VOLT focuses on green energy innovation and is dedicated to providing people with better quality, more efficient, and more economical energy use experience. We are your trustworthy green power partner to deliver professional, responsive services and create sustainable customer value.

dc volt focuses on green energy innovation and is dedicated to providing people with better quality

Portable 9kW/11kW EV AC Charger Level 1&2

This portable electric car charger boasts a high-power output, with the capacity to deliver up to 48A (max) and 22kW (max) of power. It features a vibrant color LCD display that provides clear and detailed information on charging parameters, including current, charging time, temperature, and other relevant EV charging information…..

portable ev ac charger level1

Wallbox Ac Ev Charger Station 22kw Max

With 22kW providing up to 50A charging, speed will never be an issue. Adding 37 miles per charging hour, you’ll never have to wait and worry about a full vehicle charge with the MaxiCharger Home.…

wallbox ac ev charger station 22kw max level2

Floor Mounting AC EV Charger Dual Gun 43kw

This Floor Mounting AC Charger Dual Gun is a fast EV charging level 2 solution that can feed up to 2 electric vehicles at the same time. The charger has got two built-in cables and benefits the users with its highly convenient Plug&Go feature….

floor mounting ac ev charger dual gun 22kw/43kw level 2
ev charger solution for apartment complex

EV Charger Solution for Apartment Complex

Apartment Complex owners finally realized that implementing EV charging infrastructure can attract residents, increase property value and generate income….

ev charger solution for commercial building

EV Charger Solution for Commercial Building

Futureproof your shopping center by providing EV charging stations for customers and employees. Shopping destinations that offer EV chargers appeal to consumers with high discretionary income, increasing the time they spend in-store…

ev charger solution for private home

EV Charger Solution for Private Home

Stay in charge with the Bee Meter, a futureproof home charging solution designed to make your life easier. EV Meter’s smart and universal home chargers allow EV drivers to gain total control over their charging, wherever they may be…
ev charger solution for logistic fleet

EV Charger Solution for Logistic Fleet

The benefits of fleet charging, including cost savings and increased efficiency, are undeniable. But how do you get started? As a fleet manager, you may be wondering how to get involved with this growing trend. Here are some things you’ll need to know about fleet charging….
emergency charging system

Emergency Charging System

An emergency mobile EV charger is a perfect device that can quickly charge electric vehicles in emergencies or remote areas. It can be easily installed in a van, truck, or utility vehicle to provide emergency charging for electric cars…
direct 220v to 380v step up transformer

Direct 220v To 380v Step Up Transformer

A Factory Direct 220v To 380v Step Up 3 Phase 10kva 20kva 30kva 50kva 70kva 80kva converter Transformer…
ups generators

UPS Generators

From telecommunications, to transportation and medical applications, UPS battery power can keep your business operating during short-term power outages. For longer-term disruptions, you’ll probably want to supplement your UPS installation with a generator set, providing a standby power supply for your critical systems…

Contact us for any queries


(+01) 346 397-1907
(+01) 337 852-5873